We are happy to discuss in detail our experience with regard to the following:
As reporters, we covered the most newsworthy events of our time; now we help organizations and individuals craft and distribute their narratives. We have broad connections with most household-name media brands, in the US and worldwide. But we are more than a Rolodex. Having spent years in journalism, we understand how newsrooms operate and how reporters think.
Our digital experience is deep, broad and constantly evolving. From our groundbreaking work with presidential campaigns to our work with corporate powerhouses, we are changing the way people, companies and institutions move policy and impose best practices online.
In politics, we pioneered small donor Internet fundraising; our grassroots efforts harness all aspects of online media. In developing countries where broadband access is at a premium, our SMS messaging strategies are highly effective – and without peer.
We don’t just understand new media, we live it. Partners in our firm have more than 1 million Twitter followers, many thousands of Facebook friends and write regularly for online publications such as The Huffington Post.
We have helped multinational companies, foreign governments and non-profits push their agendas with Washington officials and opinion-makers. Our clients include companies such as Space-X, which fretted that it might be zeroed out of NASA’s budget, family members who seek the release of detainees held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and FreeFairDRC, a non-governmental organization that sought to shine a light on corruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Though we perform direct lobbying, we also serve a supporting role for some of Washington’s best lobbying consultancies, working closely with government relations staff to develop messages, rally support and enlist third parties to your cause.
As legacy media continues to atrophy, corporations are beginning to understand the value of do-it-yourself investigative journalism. These companies contract with us to report out investigative stories. We then deliver these stories – fully documented and produced to a US journalistic standard – to newspapers and television networks that no longer have the staff or resources to pursue them. We also have the ability to set up newsrooms, complete with deeply experienced editorial staff, to self-publish news to a highly professional standard. Naturally, our content is optimized for the web, supplemented with social media and set up to compete head-on with traditional media outlets.
We have run political campaigns across the nation and around the world. We are skilled in the arts of mass organization. We know what sells with the public; we know how to generate excitement in the press.
As reporters, we covered the most newsworthy events of our time; now we help organizations and individuals craft and distribute their narratives. We have broad connections with most household-name media brands, in the US and worldwide. But we are more than a Rolodex. Having spent years in journalism, we understand how newsrooms operate and how reporters think.
Our digital experience is deep, broad and constantly evolving. From our groundbreaking work with presidential campaigns to our work with corporate powerhouses, we are changing the way people, companies and institutions move policy and impose best practices online.
In politics, we pioneered small donor Internet fundraising; our grassroots efforts harness all aspects of online media. In developing countries where broadband access is at a premium, our SMS messaging strategies are highly effective – and without peer.
We don’t just understand new media, we live it. Partners in our firm have more than 1 million Twitter followers, many thousands of Facebook friends and write regularly for online publications such as The Huffington Post.
We have helped multinational companies, foreign governments and non-profits push their agendas with Washington officials and opinion-makers. Our clients include companies such as Space-X, which fretted that it might be zeroed out of NASA’s budget, family members who seek the release of detainees held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and FreeFairDRC, a non-governmental organization that sought to shine a light on corruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Though we perform direct lobbying, we also serve a supporting role for some of Washington’s best lobbying consultancies, working closely with government relations staff to develop messages, rally support and enlist third parties to your cause.
As legacy media continues to atrophy, corporations are beginning to understand the value of do-it-yourself investigative journalism. These companies contract with us to report out investigative stories. We then deliver these stories – fully documented and produced to a US journalistic standard – to newspapers and television networks that no longer have the staff or resources to pursue them. We also have the ability to set up newsrooms, complete with deeply experienced editorial staff, to self-publish news to a highly professional standard. Naturally, our content is optimized for the web, supplemented with social media and set up to compete head-on with traditional media outlets.
We have run political campaigns across the nation and around the world. We are skilled in the arts of mass organization. We know what sells with the public; we know how to generate excitement in the press.